People We Helped

Rahsheen Roberts (Sheen)

Jermaine Shockley (Maine) - scroll down

Andrew Patrick (Drew) -scroll down

Rahsheen Roberts Declared Innocent on 03/31/21 After Waiting 25 Months for a Trial!!

Download Cell Phone Tower Location Records

Rahsheen Roberts, a twenty seven year old African American man from Chester, PA, remains in George W. Hill Correctional Facility, although cell tower location records prove that he could not possibly have committed the drive-by shooting for which he is incarcerated. Yet, Judge Bradley, Asst. D.A. Brian Doherty and Chester Detective Michael Canfield continue to delay dropping his charges since February 2020 when his trial was scheduled to begin.

As of March 2021 Rasheen has been incarcerated for 2 years and one month on the basis of a false accusation in retaliation against Rahsheen's father by a scorned ex-girlfriend. The accuser was in a relationship with Rahsheen's father when she was wounded in a drive by shooting on 4th and Highland.  

On the night of the shooting (1/28/19) she told police she could not identify the shooter but a few days later, while recovering in the hospital, she and Rahsheen's father got in an argument and he broke off the relationship and evicted her from his house. In response, she threatened to blame the shooting on one of his six children. Nine days after the shooting she met with detectives and blamed the shooting on Rahsheen.  According to her, Rahsheen's motivation was revenge for her spreading a rumor that he contracted an STD.

The street in Chester where she was shot is notorious for drug and gang violence, but shockingly, she expects authorities to believe this was an STD related drive-by shooting.

His next court date is Nov 21, 2020, at that time the judge should set a jury trial date for January or February 2021.

Brian Doherty, Assistant District Attorney - Team Leader

Voice: (610) 891-4195

Affidavit and Incident Report

****You can download the affidavit and incident report for Rahsheen Roberts below****

Notice on the first page, line 1: Police were dispatched to the crime scene at 4th and Highland in Chester, PA on 1/28/19 at 7:12pm (The cell phone tower location records prove Mr. Roberts was in Bear De. at 7:11pm, at least 22 minutes away.

Notice on the first page, line 3: there is no description of the shooter or vehicle on the night of the shooting but in paragraph four on 2/5/19 , nine days after the shooting she knows "exactly" who shot her.

Notice on second page of pdf, line 6 (page 3 of 6 of the affidavit) On the night of the shooting 1/28/19 the victim heard shots but did not see anything.

Notice on the third page of the pdf, in the third section (page 5 of 6 of affidavit) Again, on 1/31/19 the victim is visited by the detective but does not give an ID for the shooter.

So why does she suddenly know nine days later exactly who shot her?

And how can she make this claim when the defendant was in Bear De.?

Jermaine (Maine) Shockley - A Juvenile Lifer -  Received a 24 year to 48 year re-sentence in Nov 2021!!! Big Win for Jermaine and his family!!


To support Jermaine's Juvenile Lifer Reform Plan

Note: There is NO need to donate on the petition site If you donate it will only give Jermaine a little more exposure on their site.

About Jermaine

He is one of the last PA state (Pre-Miller) juvenile lifers waiting to be re-sentenced. He is concerned that just as the prior Delaware County District Attorney, Kat Copeland made no effort to individualize re-sentencing, the same indifference will occur under the new District Attorney. So far, nearly every PA juvenile lifer in DELCO PA has received 35 years to life. That means no attempt has been made to re-examine the evidence and verdicts of each case.

This was a campaign promise by Jack Stollsteimer that helped him win the election against Copeland and Jermaine is hoping his Second Chance Integration Plan will help Stollsteimer keep his promise

Jermaine would like to see his plan become a model for reform in juvenile lifer re-sentencing and hopes Stollsteimer will be open to considering it based on his commitment to second chance reform.

This second chance is based on the individual particular situation of Jermain that has two factors: the questionable testimony of two eyewitnesses with conflicting accounts and the positive transformation in his life over the last 13 years of incarceration.

Today, he is 31 years old and if he should survive to see the average life span of an incarcerated male which is 50 - 60 years old and receive a standardized prejudged re-sentence of 35 years to life he would be 53 years old before being eligible for parole. Without a second chance he would have no opportunity to gain meaningful employment or hope to sustain a new family.

Jermaine's proposal is unique because he is essentially guaranteeing a life after prison of good behavior by imposing a 20 year parole after release. With one infraction he might return to a life time of incarceration. This deterrent, along with the infinitesimal re-offend rate of a released juvenile lifer, and his maturity make Jermaine a perfect candidate as a participant in this type of reform program. 

Jermaine is a juvenile lifer - currently at G.W. Hill waiting re-sentencing

Jermaine Shockley, has spent 14 years incarcerated for a crime he committed when he was 17 years old. He received a juvenile life sentence as the result of conflicting eyewitness testimonies for a crime that may well have been third degree rather than first degree murder according to the PA Innocence Project. It also seems apparent that one of the two key witnesses fabricated his testimony as a means for a reduced sentence. This testimony contradicted the other eyewitness testimony and it was given two years after the incident, while the witness himself was incarcerated.

What should have been a third degree murder case was turned into a first degree conviction through police coercion of the second witness. 

Mr. Shockley is requesting that Jack Stollsteimer the new D.A. review his "second chance" proposal that will integrate him back into the community. He is desperately hoping Mr. Stollsteimer will keep his promise to reform the justice system in Delaware County PA by re-sentencing juvenile lifers on an individualized basis.

I am a co-founder of Chester Freedom Advocates and I know Jermaine personally. Having spent ten months in prison with him, I saw his amazing leadership skills at work. In my opinion, what makes him a great leader is his defense for those who are vulnerable. Jermaine deserves a second chance; I say that with certainty and credibility.

We are very excited to report that after one year, Jermaine's plan has been reviewed by the D.A.'s office with positive feedback. We are now in the process of writing a grant proposal. 

Below is a pdf of the Inside Out Program grant proposal 

Andrew (Drew) Patrick

Declared Innocent on 04/01/22 After Waiting 34 Months for a Trial!!

Drew Patrick is a 33 year old father of six from the City of Chester and he has no criminal record. He was gainfully employed as one of the best tow truck drivers in the Tri-State area. If you know Chester PA, then you know it takes a remarkable man to grow up and live there for 32 years and not have a record. 

Drew was defending himself from an armed robbery which happened in the beginning of June 2019. He was the second victim within ten minutes of two armed thugs. The first victim was a Hispanic man who was walking along a nearby street in the early morning hours. Shortly after the Hispanic man was assaulted and robbed the two armed men saw Drew and followed him into the ally where his truck was parked. As they walked faster to close the gap on Drew and come within arm's distance, a video camera captured one of the men pulling out a hand gun. Drew saw the gun and fired and he and the two men scattered. (Drew is a licensed gun owner with a permit to carry). 

After missing the man he fired at, Drew ran into a back yard. Fearing that he was being chased, his intention was to run past the side of the house and into the next street parallel to the alley. As he ran, he looked to his right and saw one of the gunmen had run in the same general direction in the same back yard. This gunman was going to run on the opposite side of the same house and out into the street where Drew was headed, but the gunmen was stopped by a fence and was trapped. The gunmen turned toward Drew, and Drew fired as the man reached into his waist. Drew continued to run, and apparently so did the man Drew shot, as I believe this man died in the street.

The problem is the Chester police found a casing they claim was fired from Drew's pistol in the street and not in the back yard. The other problem is that the Hispanic male victim disappeared after he spoke to the police (we are assuming he was an illegal immigrant). Just as in my case and Rahsheen's, it is my belief that Drew became another victim of the over-ambitious former DELCO District Attorney, Kat Copeland who was looking to make arrests in response to the escalating gun violence.

Why have no charges been filed against the surviving gunman (now in jail on unrelated charges) who was captured on video attempting to rob Drew? This gunman should be charged with second degree murder. Why is Drew in jail for first degree murder when he was the victim?

There must be intent with malice for first degree, therefore Drew should (at the very least) be out on bail. However, this is clearly a justified shooting as the armed robbery was caught on video but unfortunately for Drew it was refused as evidence in the preliminary hearing. He is still in PRE-TRIAL jail today and his trial is not scheduled until April 2021. Drew will spend nearly two years in jail before he has a hearing for defending himself against an armed robbery.

Please sign the petition for Judge Green and D.A. Jack Stollsteimer and A.D.A. Ashleigh Latonick to dismiss the charges against Drew.

Ashleigh Latonick, Assistant District Attorney
Voice: (610)-891-4178