What We Can Do

Sign Petition 

Investigate - research and learn about the industry, go to local prison reform meetings

Pray - for strength, courage and hope for the prisoners

Divest - from all stocks that support apartheid regimes and oppression

Inform - share this information

Protest  (Rebuke with Love)

Remember the Prisoners (Heb 13:3 - memorize) "Remember the prisoners as if chained with them - those who are mistreated...since you yourselves are in the body also."

Learn How to BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction)  

Download BDS Kit - at bottom of page 

Events:   (No scheduled events at this time)

Ending Israeli Apartheid:

Quoted from Frances H. Remillard: Summary of a legal study by Human Sciences Research Center of South Africa

"Concerned citizens play a critical role in bringing their governments forward on this issue, from awareness of breaches of international law and human rights to responsibility. The report of the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa recognizes Israeli apartheid and colonization as a matter of global significance. They have named and delineated this egregious policy. The study warns that states providing aid to Israel can be found complicit in this international crime and implies that individuals aiding Israel may bear criminal responsibility. The study further suggests that international methods that helped end apartheid in South Africa are applicable to ending Israeli apartheid.

Specifically, individuals can meet with their representatives; petition their representatives to request an advisory opinion from International Court of Justice on the question of Israel's practices in occupied Palestinian territory; hold non-violent protests; and join in international boycott, divestment and sanctions efforts-all strategies similar to those used to end South Africa's apartheid."

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